Let’s Return the voice of the people to the city council

My commitment to THE People of single member district 2

I will faithfully REPRESENT the PEOPLE and interests of Single Member District 2 in the manner set forth in the City Charter and Code of Ordinances (Laws) governing the conduct of the Council, and true to the sworn Oath of Office and Code of Ethics.

I will return the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE to the City Council Chambers in every discussion and decision without personal agenda or conflicts of interest.

I will boldly continue to serve with truth, transparency, and trust as I have on Council appointed positions since 2011.

I will receive input and suggestions from all citizens and endeavor to effect positive changes in YOUR best interests.

I will be available and will host town hall meetings when appropriate to inform and be informed about what matters most to YOU.

I will fight to protect YOUR tax dollars from waste and extravagant spending.

I will stand for YOUR Constitutional Freedoms.

John Bariou, Candidate for City Council SMD2


  • The Taxpayer's view over "money-grab" mentality;

  • From crime to dogs;

  • Fully supporting the POLICE & FIRE DEPARTMENTS;

  • Budget sensibility and firm oversight;

  • Maintenance and Improvement;

  • Absolute OPEN MEETINGS ACT compliance;

  • Full support interaction;

  • Meaningful solutions with compassion and respect';

  • May God Bless san Angelo and all who live, work, worship, and play here. Let’s bring CHANGE to San Angelo, Texas!

john bariou on san angelo live!

i want to hear from you!

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!